OK, here is my first blog message. In an attempt to open the discussion about my art to the broader public, I created this blog spot. I will yet have to learn how I can create an RSS feed from it, and how to integrate it into my website.
Abstract Landscape Paintings by Anne Stahl
Let's start the discussion, by looking at one of my recent paintings from the Gem series. Toberite, 12" x 24". I'm curious to see how others see this piece. I will give you more info about how it was created, and what my thoughts behind it were at a later stage.
Abstract Landscape Paintings by Anne Stahl
Let's start the discussion, by looking at one of my recent paintings from the Gem series. Toberite, 12" x 24". I'm curious to see how others see this piece. I will give you more info about how it was created, and what my thoughts behind it were at a later stage.
- Tell me for example, what your first impression is.
- Then may I ask what the color scheme evokes in you?
- What do you make of the split?
- Balance?
- What do the scratches in the top half remind you of, or make you think of?
- What message could be distilled from the image - if any.
- Would you like a painting like this in your house/apartment/room
Well, that's it for now, but don't worry, I will soon be posting more images and opening more discussions. But let's start simple.
Hi Anne, I was surfing the web for inspiration and your work has blown me away. Your landscapes are incredible; very beautiful, very inspiring. Since I saw your new blog I wanted to contribute. My first impression of the painting presented is that it seems more animated than the other pieces that drew me to your website. The orange-like color on the bottom split is tranquil to me; it is peaceful, calming and lush. The colors in the split above evoke tension and unease. The orange color seems to ground the entire painting to me, making the composition above it more stable and controlled. But I somehow relate to the bottom split as permanent and the top as temporary. The scratches seem to have a movement or dance to them that illustrate a spirit of struggle, a riff that is almost successful in taking something back that once belonged to it. But it is somehow violent and severe. I love the polarity in this composition but I’m not sure I would display it in my home as I prefer more of a spirit of serenity that I see in your landscapes. Thanks for asking…looking forward to the discussions.
Doug D.
New Haven, CT
You seem unhappy...Orange, burgundy, scratches, male female symbolism...Orange is commercialism- probably your cynicism at living in the McDonald's culture of California...Burgundy is religion, Bibles are often covered with a burgundy cover...The scratches show a male and female in a ...position...doesn't look like a happy married relationship...Anyway I hope you are fine...I am an artist, and I happened on your website then blog because I am working with wax & oils & abstract style- and your work is quite beautiful...
Sorry if this got personal...but I am pretty sensitive about painting, & you did ask...Again, I hope all is well- please feel free to say hi...
Also, I was reading your website section about madness & artists...Much of madness can be attributed to hormonal swings...which artists tend to have a lot of...A commonly available herb, available often at health food stores is called chasteberry or vitex...The monk's used to sprinkle it on their food to retain celibacy...It works for men & women in a similar fashion...often evening out mood swings which have been previously associated with madness...it can also replace many prescriptions...but you have to take it for a long time, because the dose is pretty low...For women it can often be found in PMS formulations, along with dong quai- which is also terrific...I have taken a PMS formula made by natural factors sold at whole foods market- for over 2&1/2 years...I probably know much about the artist madness thing, as it tends to run through families...Anyway I have found that by suppressing libido, you can also suppress some of the wild thinking, that you may not realise is tied to libido... sorry for being intrusive once again, but your large section on madness made me want to share this information...Anyway, if my hunch is right, go to any health food store and ask for a pms formula- liquid or capsules- they start working right away- and you will be grateful...If I am wrong, just ignore this post, and carry on....
I am always so thrilled at how the internet draws together people and information. Anne I emailed you, gosh, last year I think and just happened upon your work again. I really love your landscapes. I can't really come up with a critique as good as Doug's but I felt something ominous was about to happen or was happening.
I am so happy to see that your work is selling well. Ihope I get to that point some day.
Interesting... the gem series was painted almost 10 years after I wrote the thesis. The thesis really is a reflection of having been told one too many times :"Anne, you're way too normal to be an artist. All the good artists were insane." This sort of stereotypical statement made me curious about this myth of the 'mad artist'. And sure enough, I found plenty of reason and proof to show that it is incorrect to the core.
However, the thesis is old, and was a student work. I would like to revisit the theme one day, with the backup of a serious science team. I find that I'd like to have extensive research on HOW artists create. What do they do to get into the 'mood'. Is there really a right brain modus operandum? What about left handers? What role does music play? What about artists of the word? How is vision connected to inspiration, if at all? And so many more questions. It will take a lot of time before I start the research, to think through every aspect of it, so that I can ask the right questions.
ps. the thesis is at: http://www.annestahl.com/thesis.htm
Here's a start for your research...My father had what is now called a pallidotomy...First the right side of the brain- operation went fine...so- the decision was made to try the same thing on the left side -which controls the right hand, as you know plus all logical thinking & aspects of that...He was a very left brained person- a highly trained doctor specialist...when they did the operation on the left side, it knocked out most of his abilities...We had not anticipated that his entire life had been led almost completely from the left side of the brain...anyway...big mistake...although today doctors are performing brain surgery for depression, and various other operations, because of the pioneering chance he took with his own body...No one had ever operated before on both sides of the globus pallatus...good luck with your research...
I think you are an amazing painter
after I saw your paintings I was insipired to paint again. Your work reminds me of Rothko but I like your's better because Rothko is too abstact for me.
Hi everyone, interesting subject, how do artists create? deep deep question, multi dimensional for sure................good luck trying to crack that one.
Also what drives an individual to create? is there a common reason responsible? fascinating questions.
On to the painting..............my 1st reaction is against the colour, intense v deep, a hard hitting orange space, contained by the one above, industrialised is the word that came to mind, man made, manufactured space containing the inevitable orange.
Gary Symonds Adelaide, Australia
i think grovecanada needs to take more medication. perhaps something a wee bit stronger than the herbal remedies.
Just happened onto your art site. The gems and collisions are lovely. Thank you for sharing your talent.
the image has 2 obvious difficulties for me. One is weight. If this is a non-respresentational piece I think you can get away with it. But if this piece is in line with you as a painter of abstract landscapes then to me it appears upside down.
The 2nd difficulty is the flatness of the bottom panel, whereas you have added some detail and depth (through colour and texture) in the top panel, the orange by comparison feels as if an afterthought.
I think this is perhaps a wider issue for you, having looked at your images on the site. From what I can see the pieces are striking, in places beautiful and well executed. But always with a sense of distance, of even isolation. And now talk of painting grasses? As a buyer what I want is to know that the artist has poured himself or herself into the work and above all else I want to be sure that the work is authentic. So I would encourage you to mine your inner depths and look inside for your next source, with your obvious technical skill you could create something really important.
I send this with every respect and every good wish to you,
Sincerely KevinO.
dear anonymous, as evidenced by your comment, volatile mood swings are particular to artists...you are welcome to take stronger medications yourself, I prefer a milder route...btw, vitex works for the male gender as well...it tends to control loose aggressive venting behaviour, especially when attacking others who may be peers, & have already experienced enough b.s. to be willing to offer help...cheers and good luck in your endeavours...
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