This latest work, is the first painting in a short series of collaboration between Danish artist Niels Valentin and Anne Stahl (De/USA). The collaboration project will consist of four works.
'Spring Bakery' 2010, Anne Stahl and Niels Valentin, Encaustic on Panel, 20" x 20".
I love this artwork- just wanting to know more about it.I know it has a relation to organisms, but just wanting a little bit more detail if possible?
This piece is part of a series called 'Senescence'.
Encompassing the changes of an organism as it ages after its maturity, 2010.
The speed of change is rapid. Or not. Time is not absolute. This series attempts to depict the invisible intangible landscape of the passage of time. Injecting into the paintings, the patterns we experience of lapsed time. Soon layers upon layers of paint decompose (or not) the absolute of time and suppose a fraction of time - presence. Or not. A non-representational painting can suggest infinite interpretations of an infinite dimension. In the end, we learn only how little we know and understand even less. And admire those who know not, but think they do. In the absense of understanding, we turn to super truths, that are in fact, lies.
This series observes the beauty of maturing organisms and investigates how the landscape of aging mirrors our cultural and historical development as a species. Or not.
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